Computer Organization and Architecture


Dr. Janibul Bashir

Course Overview

In this course, we'll study about the architecture and organization of computer systems. We will study about the basic processor designing, pipelining and memory systems.

Course Code



Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri

Reference Material for the course

Text Book (TB 1): Computer Organisation and Architecture By Smruti Ranjan Sarangi

Text Book (TB 2): Digital Design and Computer Architecture By Harris et al.

Reference (R1): Computer Organisation and Embedded Systems By Carl Hamachar et al.

Reference (R2): Computer Organisation and Design By Patterson et al.

Video Lectures: Computer Organisation and Architecture


Course Content

Computer Organization and Architecture: The science and art of designing, selecting, and interconnecting hardware components and designing the hardware/software interface to create a computing system that meets functional, performance, energy consumption, cost, and other specific goals.

Introduction to Computer Architecture (TB-Chapter 1, 3, R2-Chapter 1,2) 

(23-08-2024) -- [Lecture 1] Course Introduction and Course Structure -  [Video Lecture]

(27-08-2024) -- [Lecture 2] Levels of Transformation, Cross Compilation[Video Lecture]

(27-08-2024) -- [Lecture 3] Current research and future directions in computer architecture.

[Asssignment 1] - Due Date 10 September 

(28-08-2024) -- [Lecture 4]  What is Architecture and Organization? Computing models: Von Neumann model, Register Based, Registers, Computer architectures  -  [Video Lecture]

H/W: Learn about the express Memory

Summarize the paper "Memory Performance Attacks: Denial of Memory Service in Multi-Core Systems"

(29-08-2024) -- [Lecture 5]  Instruction set Architecture and its components, Microarchitecture and its components  -  [Video Lecture]

(30-08-2024) -- [Lecture 6]  Addressing modes: Register/Memory direct and indirect modes, AutoIncrement, Autodecrement, Immediate, PC relative, and base-index offset  -  [Video Lecture]

Digital logic: Gates, Registers, and Memories (Reference: TB1 Chapter 6, TB2 Chapter 1,2,3,5) 

(02-09-2024) -- [Lecture 7] Digital Logic: Switching Networks, NMOS and PMOS Transistors  -  [Video Lecture]

(03-09-2024) -- [Lecture 8] Digital Logic: General nMoS logic and PSeudo nMOS Logic  -  [Video Lecture]

(04-09-2024) -- [Lecture 9] Digital Logic: Tristate buffer, Power consumption

(09-09-2024) -- [Lecture 10] Combinational Circuits such as Multiplexer, Decoder, Logic using multiplexers  -  [Video Lecture]

(10-09-2024) -- [Lecture 11] Combinational Circuits: Programmable Logic Array, Introduction to Sequential Circuits

(11-09-2024) -- [Lecture 12] Sequential Circuits (SC): Need of SC, Memory Elements, Flip Flops [Video Lecture]

(12-09-2024) -- [Lecture 13] Sequential Circuits (SC): Timing of Sequential Circuits, Introduction to memory arrays [Video Lecture]

(13-09-2024) -- [Lecture 14] Design of SRAMs, DRAMs, ROM and PROM  [Video Lecture]

Language of Bits and Computer Arithmetic (TB-Chapter 2, 3, R-Chapter 1, 9) -- SELF READING

(Self Reading 1) --  Representation of Numbers in Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal and Binary, signed binary number representation, Floating Point Numbers[Video Lecture1] [Video Lecture2][Video Lecture3]

(Self Reading 2) -- Computer Arithmetic: Binary Addition and Subtraction, Ripple carry adder, Carry Lookahead adder - [Video Lecture]

(Self Reading 3) --  Computer Arithmetic: Multiplication of Binary Numbers, Iterative Algorithm, Booths Algorithm - [Video Lecture]

(Self Reading 4) --  Computer Arithmetic: Binary Division, Restoring Division Algorithm, Non-Restoring Division Algorithm [Video Lecture]

(Self Reading 5) --  Arithmetic operations for floating-point numbers, Truncation: Chopping, Von Neumann Rounding, and rounding - [Video Lecture]

(Self Reading 6) --  Compilation Flow: Compiler, Assembler, Linker and Loader [Video Lecture]